Qi Gong Instructor Training Course - Level I
Combination Home study and Zoom
The 5-week Zoom class
2025 Dates TBD
This Qi Gong Instructor Training Course is offered as a combination of Zoom classes and home study. There are five weekly Zoom classes, one hour per class.
The first Zoom class will provide an overview that includes instructions on how to use the program and practice at home. It will also explain what to expect each week. You will then start your home study, reading the training manual, and learning the Qi Gong steps following the instructional videos. During the next three classes, you will perform the exercise steps, and Dr. Kuhn will monitor your home study progress and answer questions. In the final Zoom class, Dr. Kuhn will check your performance and teaching skills as described in the home study manual, and answer questions.
After successfully meeting all of the course requirements, students will become certified Qi Gong Level I instructors and get their certificates by email.
Certification is valid for two years. After two years, students must be re-certified by either taking one private lesson to continue their Level I Instructor certification or by taking the Level II Qi Gong Training Course.
Before you register for this course, you must be committed to the study. We at the Tai Chi Healing Institute want you to be successful and maintain quality in your Qi Gong journey.
*Refund policy:
90% refund if you cancel two weeks before class starts;
70% refund if you cancel less than seven days before class starts;
No refund if you cancel less than three days before class starts, but you will have full credit for the next course or other courses.
*Attention Institute Members. Please sign in to the Members Only page and pay there to receive your 5% discount.
My impression from the course: I enjoyed the course very much!!! I experienced the "qi gong State" during the Zoom lessons with you and finished each session feeling wonderful, refresh and uplifted. Your attitude of doing our best and at the same time keep it relaxed and with a smile was a great inspiration and example for me both on the personal level and the professional level.
The Zoom course is an amazing opportunity for me to study from a distant and enrich my experience with an authentic and experienced teacher-as I could not do it in this time of the Corona-19. I feel blessed to have received the information first-hand from you. Learning both from the video and the book was very helpful.
The "Therapeutic Qigong" form is a gift as it is both simple yet has so many benefits physically and energetically. I went through a time of severe pain in my arm during the course and found that I can practice and it was helpful and important part of my healing.
Thank you very much, sincerely,
------Reute Belzer
The home study and zoom class level 1 Qigong instruction taught by Dr. Aihan Kuhn has been transformational. I have practiced qigong for years with very little private instruction and have loved it, however, having Dr. Kuhn observing and giving personal instruction regarding movement and breath has made a huge difference in my practice and in the healing results that come through the practice of Qigong. Dr. Kuhn is observant, patient and encouraging every step of the way. I could not have advanced in the same way without the zoom interaction with Dr. Kuhn.
------By Barbara M. From Montana, USA
I am very grateful to Dr Kuhn for offering the Qi Gong Instructor training course online especially in the current climate. It has allowed me to access insight into this beautiful ancient art even when based so far away in the UK. I have found the format very helpful as we can practice the movements via the videos provided and then ask and clarify any questions in the weekly Zoom sessions. Dr Kuhn is amazing in how she relays her knowledge which only motivates one to do better. She has a keen eye for detail and highlights any improvements we need to make in her warm and encouraging manner. I have very much enjoyed and benefitted from the course and cannot believe that it has now come to an end! I hope I can continue my learning with Dr Kuhn in the very near future,
-----Fatima Rasool, Cambridge, UK
In the early 2000’s I learned about Tai Chi and Qi Gong and decided to take classes with Dr. Kuhn at her center in Holliston, MA. I loved the classes and could feel the flow of energy and the benefits of both practices.
My husband and I moved to Arizona in 2006. I immediately sought out Tai Chi and Qi Gong classes, but I couldn’t find any Tai Chi or Qi Gong classes in my area. Later, I started a Tai Chi class but it was a different form, I couldn’t feel the energy and breathing was not a key element of the practice.
I never forgot Dr. Kuhn and sought her out on the Internet. When I found she was holding Zoom classes for Qi Gong certification I jumped at the chance. I wanted to learn again for my own personal benefit, but also for the many people in my area who have never experienced Therapeutic Qi Gong. Her instruction was as I remembered – thorough, easy to understand and fun. It was great to see her and have the opportunity to ask questions every week. I can really feel the difference in my back and hip pain just taking this five week class. I am really looking forward to bringing this practice to my future students in Scottsdale, AZ
.-----Gail Prestera
I am a 59 year old male recently diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondylitis and was looking for relief from my constant pain. I was looking to get away from prescription medication and move to something more natural. After exhaustive research I found something called Qigong, unaware of what to expect from this Traditional Chinese Medicine, I needed to do more exploration on how I could learn this practice. There are several websites that claim to teach this art, but after analysis of all these sites, I realized Dr. Kuhn was far and away my choice. I signed up for her Qigong zoom class and couldn't be more pleased with my choice. Dr. Kuhn instruction brings her knowledge, education and experience to teaching others. Her class was enjoyable, informative and she brought a excitement that made you want to learn. I also purchased her book; "Natural Healing with Qigong" and would recommend it to anyone looking to learn this wonderful art. Thank You Dr. Kuhn!!! All my appreciation,
What are the highlights of this course?
The highlight of the course was to get to work with Dr. Aihan Kuhn. Dr. Kuhn has an engaging personality and she explains things very clearly. I especially appreciate how she can break down each of the Qigong movements to get her students to understand the subtleties of the small gestures that can have a BIG impact.
Are you ready to share or teach others after the course and your practice?
I think I am ready as a beginner level I instructor to teach others the basics. It will take a lot of practice to learn to explain the steps out loud to others while I am doing them at the same time.
Do you have enough knowledge to teach the Qi Gong form to the beginners?
Yes, I feel like I have enough knowledge. I just need to practice speaking out loud so I can explain the movements AND the breathing in a simple, clear way while also demonstrating.
I look forward to teaching but also to taking the Level 2 Instructor Course so that I can deepen my knowledge for my own practice as well as sharing with others.